About Us as an Exterior and Interior Painter

Ready to see your home become more vibrant?

Silver Lizzar Painting is the exterior and interior painter you’ve been looking for in Salinas, CA. We’ve been serving multiple clients for 20 years now and have turned their homes from old spaces into something more vibrant and beautiful. Along with our tools, experience, gear, and knowledge on which products are highly suitable for your home. We always prioritize the preferences of our clients. Therefore, if you choose our team as your painting service provider, let us know immediately which colors and styles you pick.

Interior Painter

Interior Painter

Save More With Us Around

When you have our team, you can feel reassured that your paint will be done correctly. Aside from that, we also offer cabinet staining and to pressure wash any irremovable stains, moss, or even dirt on your walls before coating them with paint. Therefore, if you want the best results for your commercial space or home, avail yourself of our painting service and more today.

Always remember never to hesitate to change the colors of your walls whenever they are experiencing wear and tear from an expert exterior and interior painter like Silver Lizzar Painting. We are seasoned painters in Salinas, CA whom you can reach at (831) 253-0393 today.


  • Interior Painting
  • Exterior Painting
  • Pressure Washing
  • Cabinets Staining